We know life doesn't stop when you're searching for a new home, so we've taken the power of VancouverJustListed.ca and made it fully accessible on web-enabled smartphones like the iPhone, Android phones, and even the new iPad!
Now, no matter where you are or what you're doing, you'll be able to:
- See full details of each individual listing, including photos, maps, and 360° video tours
- Automatically zero in on your location, and view all available listings near you. It will even update nearby listings as you move! Or just enter the address of your choice, and the application will target properties near that location Plus, you get full access to your VancouverJustListed.ca account from anywhere, letting you:
- Email listings to your partner, family and friends
- Enquire about a listing to get more information or arrange a personal showing
- Flag any listings that catch your eye, so you can easily share and find them again.